2 min read

Creating Notes with FHIR, How to Deploy AI Scribes, Provider Interop, Allergy Startup

Creating Notes with FHIR, How to Deploy AI Scribes, Provider Interop, Allergy Startup

This week's change maker is Sarah Gebauer, MD. She is creating a machine learning for physicians, including an excellent Slack channel.


🪦 Digital Health Morgue

I find myself bombarded with new, interesting co's ... but never know if they make it. I finally had a chance to circle back on Thirty Madison's Picnic Allergy (DTC allergy testing) and no longer accepting new customers. Made me think of EverlyWell et al.


👾 FHIR Makes It Easy to Create Clinical Notes

It's somewhat trivial now a days to make a note in EHRs with FHIR. Some boilerplate code to make a clinical note at https://replit.com/@patientDev/docref-create?ref=patient.dev

The code works with SMART Health IT, but easily ported to Epic/Cerner/etc


A "Hands On" Way to Deploy AI 📲

HCA has deployed AI virtual scribes to 75 ER docs (with plans to deploy more). Looks like from the article image that that AI is being deployed on androids or iPhones (maybe BYOD?). Interesting that it is not hands free. Final mile delivery of AI is obviously a problem in AI in healthcare.



Provider Interoperability for Builders

This is not about patient access, but interesting table with options for APIs when building for providers.

The Digital Health Provider’s Guide to Interoperability
An in-depth guide breaking down everything digital health providers need to know to develop their interoperability strategy



If you want to be a poet, write poetry. Every day. Show us your work.
If you want to do improv, start a troupe. Don’t wait to get picked.
If you want to help animals, don’t wait for vet school. Volunteer at an animal shelter right now.
If you want to write a screenplay, write a screenplay.

-Seth Godin

Much more at www.patient.dev